Do you know how to get your customers to find you on Google search and Maps?
These days more important than having an attractive and streamlined web page is to allow it to be shown in Google search results.
This is the best way to gain customers.
The City of Lauderhill has partnered with Grow with Google to bring information that can empower your community.
Showing up in Google search and Maps is not that hard if you learn how to do it correctly.
Our CEO @ Digisults, Vicente Pimienta, Florida’s Grow with Google Digital Coach, will show you how to do it.
Of course it’s not just registering, no, it’s doing it in such a way that the Google search engine will show your page prominently when someone searches for what you sell.
How do you get your customers to find you on Google search and Maps?
By registering for this class and follow the instructions that Vicente Pimienta will give you.
If you have already created your business profile and it is not showing up in Google Search and Maps this is also for you.
You will surely have to make some changes that will be recommended in this workshop.
The best thing is that if you have any questions, Vicente Pimienta will be able to answer them directly.
Maybe it’s just a small detail that you need to change in your business profile settings.
Here you will also learn how to appear in the search results without showing your exact address allowing you to keep certain information private.
Vicente Pimienta will also be teaching you about the keywords you should use so that the Google search engine will find you.
Did you know that you can select how you want to be reached?
When you create your profile you will have several options of how you want to be contacted: in person, by call, or online.
Register now and don’t miss the opportunity to highlight your business through the Google search engine.
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This content was copied from Digisults, link: